Good news! As of 16th January 2021 acupuncture has been re-classified as a recognised healthcare profession by the Office for National Statistics. This means acupuncture practices throughout the UK may remain open during this and any future lockdowns.
Acupuncture is available according to strict government guidelines. Please get in touch to discuss whether it would be suitable for you to have acupuncture at present.
Coronavirus precautions and hygiene measures
These measures have been recommended by my professional body, in accordance with government guidance:
- New patients will be contacted by phone before an appointment to check your risk level, ensure you are aware of the measures in place and comfortable with coming to my clinic. This also gives you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.
- The consultation part of the appointment can be done by phone or virtually prior to the appointment if you would like.
- If you have any questions about having acupuncture at present that you would like to ask or discuss, please get in touch.
- I am still also available for online consultations where this may be helpful - for lifestyle and dietary advice for adults - and for children where home treatment (without needles!) can also be done by parents.
Clinic measures
• Surfaces, door-handles etc. will be disinfected between appointments. The chairs on which you sit and place any clothes will have disposable coverings which are changed between each appointment.
• Please sanitise or wash your hands upon arrival.
• I will be wearing a face mask and following recommended hygiene procedures. You are requested to wear a face mask. There will be disposable masks available for you to use or you can bring your own.
• The consultation part of the session will be conducted at over one metre distance.
If you would prefer, the talking part of the consultation can be done on the phone or virtually, shortly before your appointment.
• In order to reduce risk, soft coverings have been removed from the treatment couch. Please bring a shawl or light blanket for a cover if you think you may like to have one.
• Please arrive on time and no earlier than 5 minutes before your appointment. This is to allow the recommended two metre distance to be maintained in the waiting room. Please come to your appointment alone and bring only essential bags into the clinic if driving.
• Please pay by card, BACS or phone (Apple, Samsung and Google pay are available).
• All patients will be required to sign a form confirming that you will not attend the clinic if you may stating that you understand and accept there is some degree of risk in the close contact involved, and will not hold me or my workplace responsible should you contract Covid 19.
• In the event that I were to have been in contact with someone who has contracted the virus, or to have symptoms myself, I would of course self-isolate for the requisite period.
Needless to say, if you or anyone you live with have:
• experienced any coronavirus symptoms (a high temperature / feeling hot on your chest or back, a new continuous cough, unusual shortness of breath, a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste), have been told to self-isolate or been in contact with anyone within the last 14 days who has coronavirus symptoms
• or if you have signs of an upper respiratory tract infection - a sore throat, flu-like symptoms or unusual fatigue within the last 14 days, do not attend. Contact me to let me know and to reschedule your appointment. You will of course not be charged a cancellation fee.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything mentioned here, please get in touch.