Welcome to Dove Therapies, the acupuncture and massage practice of Paloma Sparrow in Stroud, Nailsworth and Bristol.
Acupuncture is a gentle and safe treatment that has been developed, tested and practised over two thousand years. It is used to It is used to alleviate physical and mental-emotional problems and to improve overall well-being. Traditional acupuncture takes all aspects of a person's health into account and tailors treatment to the individual. There is a growing body of evidence-based clinical research showing that traditional acupuncture safely treats a wide range of common health problems.
Massage is often used together with acupuncture to treat muscular problems and Paloma also offers massage as a treatment in its own right. Similarly to acupuncture, massage can also be used to address specific symptoms and to promote general relaxation and well-being. Paloma has been treating a wide range of conditions for 20 years and specialises in female health, fertility and treating children. She practices from Stroud, Nailsworth and Bristol, with both daytime and evening appointments available.
If you are not sure which treatment you would prefer or would be best for you, please get in touch to find out what will be most suitable for your needs.
Paloma is a fully insured member of the Association for Traditional Chinese Medicine (ATCM), the MTI (Massage Training Institute) and the Acupuncture Fertility Network (AFN). She abides by their codes of safe practice and professional conduct.